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(By Nihad A. Hassan) Ransomware Revealed A Beginn – replace.me – Download and Install ITarian Remote Access Monitoring Software


The default value for max worker threads is 0. This enables SQL Server to automatically configure the number of worker threads at startup. The default setting is best for most systems. However, depending on your system configuration, setting max worker threads to a specific value sometimes improves performance. When a request is received, SQL Server will try to locate a idle thread to schedule the request. If an idle worker was not located, new worker will be created. If all workers have been created and none is idle, then the request is queued which will be picked up by any worker thread from the pool of worker threads created.

Use the max worker threads option to configure the number of worker threads available to SQL Server processes. The default setting for max worker threads is best for most systems. However, depending on your system configuration, setting max worker threads to a smaller value sometimes improves performance.

Learn how to disable the printer reduction feature. The simple solution, to disable Printer Redirection form Remote Desktop services,. This setting will override the client settings to redirect the printer setting.

You might have seen lots of errors in the Application log of your Exchange server from source MSExchange Common and event id Performance counter updating error. Optional code: 2. Exception: The exception thrown is : System. The issue is caused by an error in the Exchange setup process where a performance counter definition is tried to read from the wrong location.

The good news is that we can fix this very easy. Copy the following script to a text file and save with the. Add-PsSnapin Microsoft. If you run into issues you can manually retry the process for that specific performance counter definition. For instance, to retry the failed counter definition from the screenshot above you can retry the action:. Interesting detail is that Microsoft apparently wrote a KB article about this issue back in which I failed to pick up. I modified the script to work on servers with Exchange installed in a non-default path.

Dear friends, today I am going to give you a tip for exchange server. So, How do we get rid of it? Reboot server and you can now clear the logs in the monitoring path and they will not regenerate. If you download the tool, Windows Directory Statistics you can see the drive usage like below image. So most of us use google dns for free DNS. Exchange 0 0. Delete Corrupted Arbitration Mailboxes.

PrepareAD Command. Enable Arbitration Mailboxes. Set federation Arbitration Mailbox Quota. Exchange 0 1. Note: Carefully read the information below before you continue with the download. Review the Windows 10 Enterprise system requirements. Register, then download and install the full-featured software for a day evaluation. Receive emails with resources to guide you through your evaluation. For example, a malicious actor can surpass all software security controls e.

Only authorized IT personnel should have access to such areas. Ask your employees to turn off their device or to lock its screen with a password when they are away.

A central storage server should be stored in the locked server room. For instance, visitors or contractors should wear a badge to indicate their work and the areas they are authorized to enter within the facility.

Having physical security measures will help you prevent unauthorized access to your network and to your enterprise premises. In network segmentation, you split a large network into smaller segments using firewalls, routers, virtual local area networks VLANs , and other network separation techniques.

In addition to isolating sensitive data in secure segments, network segmentation will increase the time needed for attackers to discover and map target network after the intrusion, making them more susceptible to discovery by firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

There are many specialized anti-ransomware products on the market today, and having a dedicated solution that protects both servers and endpoints from ransomware attacks provides an additional layer of defense to protect your network. The best anti-ransomware solutions use behavior analysis and cloud-based detection to detect and stop ransomware. These detection techniques surpass the signature-based detection methods that are still employed by most typical antivirus programs.

While antivirus programs focus on capturing malware at an early stage, anti-ransomware programs have specialized features to fight against ransomware infection that traditional antivirus programs do not offer, such as preventing ransomware from completing its encryption routine, monitoring file manipulation operations, executing suspicious files in a virtual environment sandboxing , and taking a real-time backup of critical files and storing the backup in secure containers if a suspected ransomware attack is underway.

Even the IT administrators should use the nonprivileged account during their daily work unless they are performing an IT task that requires administrative privileges. In this case, they should use a secondary privileged account. The most common places to enforce the least-privilege model is on endpoint devices and network shares. Vulnerability management is the practice of identifying vulnerabilities in computer systems and then working to remove the risks before they get exploited by a malicious actor.

Having a vulnerability management program is essential for every organization wanting to protect its IT systems from cyberattacks. There are commonly four stages of any vulnerability management program. Having an IT inventory management program will simplify this task. Table A monthly scan is preferred for big organizations. Firewalls come in two shapes: software and hardware. Small companies ten employees or fewer may prefer to install a software solution.

However, managing it is a daunting task, as you need to install a firewall on each device. A hardware firewall is preferable over the software counterpart and needs less administrative work. Please note that the hardware firewall is not only a hardware piece, as it needs software components to do its work. For most enterprises even the small one , the ideal solution is to have a hardware firewall installed on the network perimeter. Using an NGFW firewall, network administrators can identify applications and enforce a network security policy to prevent unauthorized applications from passing traffic e.

For example, RDP, which has been exploited by many ransomware strains, can be blocked entirely across the network via a firewall. Many firewall vendors offer NGFW devices that come bundled with intrusion prevention systems and advanced anti-malware capabilities that use signature- and heuristic-based detection. Some NGFW products integrate with Active Directory to apply firewall application usage rules on individual users and groups in Windows environments this feature is known as identity awareness.

NGFWs can strengthen enterprise network defenses against ransomware attacks. However, they differ in the action they take when malicious activity is detected. IDSs come in two types: network and host-based. Obviously, a network IDS will monitor network traffic, while a host-based intrusion detection system HIDS installs on individual computers and actively monitors the state of a system e.

IDSs monitor network traffic without taking any protective measures. When a potential incident is detected, it fires an alarm or sends a notification so that another system or a human can perform an action such as closing the attack entry point or reconfiguring the firewall to stop future attacks.

An intrusion prevention system does similar work to an IDS in monitoring network traffic but acts differently when detecting malicious activity. An IPS uses deep packet inspection and proactively monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and takes preventative action automatically e.

Unlike an IDS, which does not take automatic countermeasures, an IPS is a control system that prevents and allows packet delivery using a predefined policy. For example, in a ransomware attack case, an IPS can stop exploit kit code before reaching the target endpoint. UTM combines the security functions of all these solutions in one appliance at a single point on the network. Using a single device to protect the entire IT infrastructure goes against a DiD strategy, which suggests protecting computer networks with a series of defense layers.

They share common functions; however, they are different in terms of customization and simplicity. For instance, UTM is easier to administer and deploy, making it a preferred solution for small to medium-sized businesses, while NGFW is more suitable for large enterprises wanting to customize their security policies and who have adequate resources and security expertise to manage different security appliances.

However, with an ever-increasing number of threats, such detection methods are not enough, especially when countering zero-day threats or targeted attacks. I talked about sandboxing technology previously. On the network side, sandboxing is increasingly becoming an important security layer at the network perimeter. Network sandboxing works by sending suspicious files into an isolated virtual environment sandbox to examine its code.

If the subject file is found malicious, it will get terminated; otherwise, it will be marked as legitimate and be allowed to pass the network perimeter. Many NGFW vendors offer a cloud sandboxing feature on a subscription basis, where suspicious files are sent to the cloud infrastructure to analyze its behaviors when executed. With the continual increase in ransomware attacks, network sandboxing is an essential component of network defense to protect against all threats, both known and unknown, before entering the internal network.

You should assure that your future firewall supports the sandboxing feature. Always consult the firewall feature list before buying one.

Blocking access to malicious domains is an effective countermeasure to stop both ransomware infection and spread. There are many web sites that offer lists of known malware and phishing sites that can be imported into the firewall to terminate the connection to malicious sites. Most antivirus programs have web filtering and blocking capabilities that can be configured to restrict access to malicious sites on endpoint devices also.

A honeypot announces itself online as a potential high-value target e. Enterprises use honeypots to detect or deflect intruders from attacking the real systems. If ransomware successfully compromises the honeypot machine, the system administrator will get notified to take the necessary action e.

By checking the honeypot logs and monitoring the network traffic to such systems, security administrators can understand the behavior of cybercriminals and the techniques employed by them to penetrate systems. The most important value of honeypot systems is examining the effectiveness of the applied security measures and knowing which one is not functioning properly to improve it. For example, having traffic originated from an endpoint device -that is usually used to access the internet and CRM server only- to other endpoints and to the file storage server may indicate a ransomware attack trying to spread across the enterprise network, in such a case, quarantining the infected endpoint can stop the attack spread.

A research conducted by IBM in concluded that 59 percent of ransomware attacks comes via phishing e-mails, and 91 percent of all malware is delivered via e-mail systems. There are different types of e-mail attacks, however, from a ransomware attack perspective. E-mail can be utilized to infect systems with ransomware through two methods.

In this section, I talk about the needed security measures that should be implemented by any organization to protect its network from ransomware delivered via e-mail. I defer talking about end-user e-mail security until the next chapter because it is considered part of end-user cybersecurity awareness training. Spam is not only annoying for the receiver; it can also be dangerous when spammers send e-mails with malicious attachments or contain links to malicious destinations.

The filtering mechanism can take place on a gateway e. E-mail harvesting can be avoided using different techniques.

Another technique to obfuscate e-mail addresses that is too difficult to detect by bots is to use an e-mail schema and post it online. It is too difficult for bots read text inside the image. If you want to provide your e-mail address to a site you do not trust, it is advisable to use a temporary e-mail address that can be configured to last for a specific period e. For instance, SPF is an e-mail authentication Chapter 5 Enterprise Defense Strategies Against Ransomware Attacks technique that prevents spammers from sending spoofed e-mails using your domain name.

SPF works by checking the IP address of the sender to make sure it is authorized by the sending domain name. DKIM standard is like SPF; however, instead of using the sender IP address to validate the e-mail authenticity, it uses a digital signature to associate a domain name with its claimed e-mail message; DKIM works by attaching the digital signature of a domain name with each outgoing e-mail message sent using it.

To protect against this risk, it is advisable to configure your e-mail server to block certain types of files that are considered risky. If your enterprise sets a policy of blocking dangerous file types sent via e-mails and you want to send a blocked file type, you can use cloud storage to upload the blocked file and then send the download link to the recipient or simply rename the file change its extension before sending it to surpass the restriction.

Unfortunately, this information is not complete, as there are a large number of file types that can be used to execute malicious code. If an Office document extension ends with an. Be careful to not run Office macros sent from unknown senders.

Finally, do not open zip files protected with passwords a password is usually sent in the body of the e-mail. Attackers use this trick to prevent antivirus software from investigating the encrypted compressed file, which can contain malware ready to launch after being opened. Classifying data will help an organization determine the best security controls needed to protect its data.

Make sure to enforce strong passwords on your users to protect their accounts when using remote management services and file sharing tools. You should have another line of defense in case ransomware succeeds in reaching to endpoint devices. Application whitelisting is a proactive technique to prevent all types of applications any executable file from executing on end-user machines.

In such a scenario, only a small set of applications defined by the IT administrator can run by default; all other applications are forbidden. Obviously, such a restriction is considered the most effective measure for defending against unknown malware that has not been discovered yet in addition to other threats that exploit zero-day vulnerabilities to sneak in.

By controlling which executable code is allowed or prohibited from running on an endpoint, enterprises can significantly improve security by preventing unknown malware, including ransomware, from executing on endpoint devices. In the previous chapter, I talked about SRP, which can be configured to work on both local and domain machines, and how you can use it to create a restrictive Windows environment to control the execution of untrusted applications and scripts.

In this chapter, I cover the second security mechanism for application whitelisting, introduced with recent versions of Windows beginning in certain editions of Windows 7 , named AppLocker. For example, it can block executable files on the kernel level and implement application whitelisting more strictly. Chapter 5 Enterprise Defense Strategies Against Ransomware Attacks AppLocker restricts executables based on the following four types of rules: path rules, file hash rules, publisher rules, and packaged app rules.

To configure AppLocker on a local machine using Windows 10, do the following: 1. A new window appears where you can select the folder that contains the applications you want to allow to execute.

Click Next to continue. Leave the default options as they are, and click Next to continue. AppLocker may need some time to generate all the rules according to the number of applications in the specified folder. After finishing, the Review Rules page appears; click the Create button to create the specified rules and close the wizard.

Finally, before AppLocker will enforce the rules, the Application Identity service must be started on each device. Make sure to change the startup type to Automatic.

Restart the device and you are done! Deploying an application whitelisting technology such as AppLocker will effectively help enterprises lower security risks when an unsuspecting user executes malicious software inadvertently. However, as mentioned, one solution is not enough to mitigate such threats. The preferred approach is to have multiple lines of defense to stop these attacks and use secure DNS servers for both individual and corporate use.

This will add an additional layer of protection to your defense against ransomware. DNS is also used in the delivery process of e-mail spam campaigns that carry ransomware. Therefore, using secure DNS servers to block malicious activities is crucial to mitigate, detect, and respond to such attacks more quickly. There are different DNS-based threat blocking providers that offer protection against malware, ransomware, and have anti-phishing capabilities.

Data sanitization also known as content disarm and reconstruction [CDR] is a protective anti-malware technology that assumes all files entering the enterprise network are malicious and that works to sanitize each file removing potentially malicious code before passing it to the endpoint device.

Utilizing a data sanitization system at all entry points such as for e-mail attachments, for web browser downloads, and even on endpoint computers to sanitize files carried within USB devices is an essential protection measure against unknown malware and other advanced attacks exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities. Using USB devices in enterprises cannot be banned completely; however, some security measures should be implemented first to mitigate risks associated with USB devices.

Most staff does not need to carry executable applications with them, so such file types should be blocked. On the other hand, PDF and Microsoft Office files are commonly used as attack vectors to carry ransomware. Such file types are used widely in business organizations, so you should consider sanitizing such file types to remove any potentially malicious code before opening them on endpoint devices. Businesses should focus on backing up the most critical data for business functions.

Backups should be stored on a separate system e. Backup media whether it is a network backup server or a removable drive should not remain permanently attached to the system that was backed up to avoid infecting it in the case of a successful ransomware attack taking place.

You should also consider having multiple copies of your backup at least three copies, with one of them off-site. A cloud backup can be considered a secure option because it is located off your network; however, you should avoid continually backing up data in real time to the cloud, as some ransomware strains have the capability to encrypt cloud backups.

Remember, if a ransomware attack hits your network, you should consider stopping any backup immediately to avoid backing up encrypted data. To conclude, the local backup server should be isolated from your normal operating environment and should connect to the network only during the backup period. The backup server should also have a hardened operating system preferably a Linux Chapter 5 Enterprise Defense Strategies Against Ransomware Attacks variant , as Windows is known to be a common target for ransomware attacks.

Data backups should be conducted hourly to the local backup server, and after that nightly to another remote backup server that remains online only during the backup; a third backup should be conducted weekly to a removable storage media e.

The integrity of backup files should be verified continually to make sure all critical information has been backed up; it is also important to test the recovery process regularly to ensure high availability in case you need it. A DLP monitors data in three states. The other main task of a DLP solution is to prevent data loss. In a ransomware attack, data is encrypted, and legitimate users are denied access to it. The recovery of encrypted data can be impossible in many instances e.

This ransomware attack falls under data loss. DLP solutions can help against ransomware attacks by informing the IT administrator early about any unusual traffic or a change of stored data e. DLP relies on access rights and a data classification policy defined by an organization to enforce its rules on end users. In this section, I will mention some tools and services for testing security software and other network defenses against real-world attacks. Currently, it simulates 15 ransomware infection scenarios and one crypto-mining infection scenario.

Enforcing security policies within an organization is essential to protect it from both internal and external threats and to assure its compliance with various regulations. A security policy is a set of rules and procedures enforced by an organization on its employees when using its IT systems to maintain the security of its IT assets and resources.

Every person within an organization must understand their obligations to protect data and IT assets. A security policy should include penalties when someone fails to adhere to its regulations. A security policy should be written in a simple style with minimum technical jargon and define in high-level terms the best security practices to safeguard organization data and the IT system from malicious actors and accidental disclosure of sensitive information. For example, before deploying a firewall solution, you need to know the organization Internet usage policy to enforce it through this device.

For example, a user must connect over a secure VPN connection. Regardless of the size of an organization, having a security policy is essential to addressing all possible security threats and to suggesting countermeasures before they occur. For example, using weak passwords can result in compromising employee e-mail accounts and consequently leaking sensitive information.

This will result in saving time and resources and eventually money! Enforcing a security policy will lower this risk, as there will be guidelines and penalties on any unacceptable behavior conducted by employees that can lead to data theft, information leaks, or malware infections.

When drafting a security policy for an organization, consider current business functions, organization structure, organization culture, and available budget. Do not write something in your policy that you cannot enforce. For example, forbidding the use of USB devices in your corporate environment is worthless if you do not have the required technical tools to stop such devices.

From the individual home user to SMBs up to the largest institutions and government agencies, ransomware attacks are increasing in complexity and are becoming more capable of exploiting network and system vulnerabilities. In this chapter, I covered the enterprise side of protection against ransomware and other malware attacks.

Corporate and government networks have a large attack surface, and protecting it requires a comprehensive security plan that employs a defense-in-depth strategy where several defense mechanisms are deployed on both network and endpoint devices to protect IT infrastructure and information.

Different software, tools, and security devices are needed to protect corporate networks from ransomware attacks. There is no single solution to stop these attacks, but using the right security software and network security appliances and enforcing security policy rules will certainly lower this risk. Installing security solutions on endpoints and using various security devices at the network perimeter are not enough to defend against ransomware attacks. Almost every day a new cyberattack on a corporation, government, or other entity is in the news because it resulted in millions of customer records being exposed, stolen credentials, and ransomware attacks.

Cybercriminals have become increasingly sophisticated, and cybersecurity threats have escalated rapidly in recent years. Business organizations and government agencies have realized the importance of educating their employees about cybersecurity threats to safeguard against them.

All security studies related to ransomware infection and other data breaches conclude that human error is still and will continue to be the biggest threat to cybersecurity. All employees should know what entry points attackers can use to access their enterprise network and what precaution steps they should follow to prevent unauthorized access to information assets.

The security awareness program should also enforce the security policy rules of an organization and clarify the IT security responsibility of each employee according to their job role in protecting organization information assets and IT systems.

Such training is important in protecting your organization from malicious actors trying to gain unauthorized access to your information assets. The following are the main benefits of conducting security awareness training in your organization.

For example, your firewall solution can send notifications about suspicious activity, and your OS may ask you to install required security updates. If such warnings are handled incorrectly or ignored by the end user, the technological solutions will not do their jobs correctly. Obviously, without even paying the ransom, a victim company can lose a huge sum of money and hurt its reputation because of the business disruption.

Conducting security awareness training will increase employee satisfaction, making them more willing to remain with their current company. For instance, developing a security program to comply with the PCI-DSS standard is somewhat different from one implemented to comply with HIPAA, although both aim to protect consumer data, whether it is health or financial records.

In this chapter, I will not focus on the requirements of a security awareness program for a specific compliance rule. Instead, the focus will be on listing the main components of a general security awareness training program that can be implemented in any organization using IT systems.

The first step to creating such a training program within your organization is to establish a leadership team responsible for developing, monitoring, and implementing the security awareness training program.

This team should be gathered from different departments and include staff with varying IT backgrounds from novice to professional to assure that your security awareness training program covers all staff levels and meet their demands.

However, not all staff have the same level of IT knowledge or experience. For example, the security training for an IT network engineer is different from someone in the marketing department who uses their computer to access the corporate customer relationship management CRM database. Your security awareness training materials should be tailored according to each employee level of responsibility and their job role in the organization.

For example, you can divide employees within an organization into four major groups based on their job roles and associate each group with the appropriate security awareness training. The major cyber threat against them is social engineering attacks especially spear phishing and whaling. Training at this level should be focused around mitigating social engineering attacks with easy-to-understand examples.

Some digital forensics materials should be incorporated into this level, as those people should know how to behave if a data breach or ransomware attack takes place. The management staff has also another role, which is enforcing implementing security policy rules in addition to what they learn from security awareness training on other employees. Identify current threats and different attack vectors. Explain the challenges of securing IT systems. Cloud security also should be introduced in this section.

Security awareness training should focus on educating employees on how to implement the security policy rules and clarify any vague points if they do not know how to implement the rules in reality.

Most of these topics have been covered in the previous chapters. However, as you have learned throughout the book, the most common techniques to infect with ransomware are malicious e-mails phishing e-mail and other social engineering attacks.

For this reason, the rest of this chapter covers in some detail how to recognize and prevent social engineering attacks, especially phishing, which is considered the starting point for most network and data breaches. Many SE attacks aim to deceive a victim into installing malicious software on their PC to gain full control over the targeted machine and to use it to spread the infection to other places within the network. Malicious actors use SE tactics that are based on exploiting human errors rather than exploiting system and software vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or to infect with malware.

Obviously, this makes predicting such attacks hard as no one can predict the human behaviors in such cases.

There are two main types of SE attacks in term of the medium used to launch the attack. The first one relies on e-mail messages and is more common, and the second uses phone and in-person tricks.

Please note an attacker can use both types to gain useful insight about the target before launching an attack.

Such attacks can have devastating consequences on both personal and enterprise Chapter 6 Security Awareness Training security. Once this information is obtained, an attacker can use it to blackmail the victim, make unauthorized purchases using stolen credentials, or use such information e. Attackers can also use the same phishing e-mails to install a keylogger on victim machines to steal sensitive information silently.

In an enterprise context, the losses can be greater. For instance, most advanced persistent threat APT attacks use phishing e-mails as an entry point to surpass all network security perimeters to infect and propagate ransomware in a closed environment or to gain unauthorized access to secure areas within the target enterprise network. Therefore, phishing awareness training is an essential component in any security awareness training program.

Phishing is still the number-one attack vector and is considered the main concern for IT security professionals when working to implement a defense-in-depth DiD strategy. To understand how to spot phishing e-mails, you need to know what they look like. Phishing e-mails commonly use urgent, threatening, or scary words in the subject line to convince the recipient to act promptly without thinking.

Instead, it is from applysecuritycode. Do you know the sender? If yes, do you trust him? Do you have any business relationship with the sender or with this company? Read the sender e-mail address carefully, and check any misspellings in the sender domain name. Investigate the sender domain name to see whether it is listed as malicious.

There are many free services to check whether a particular domain name is malicious, as covered in the previous chapter.

However, the following are additional web sites for looking up potentially malicious and phishing web sites: i. Did you initiate this conversation? For example, if someone sends you an e-mail asking for your personal information because you won the lottery, ask yourself the following question: Did you participate in that lottery and ask to receive such e-mails? Does it ask you to reveal your account credentials?

Or to download an attachment that seems suspicious e. In such a case, try to communicate directly with the sender via phone or indirectly to remove any doubt. This means the e-mail was sent to many users at once and is not directed solely to the intended recipient. Such e-mails can be a part of a large spam campaign. Do you know any of them? If the e-mail pretends to be from your company or bank, did they send it during official work hours? Check the date also, did they send it during holidays?

Obviously, no one would send e-mails at that time! Chapter 6 Security Awareness Training Figure Using a generic greeting is common in spam campaigns because the messages are sent in bulk and do not address a specific person.

When you see a poorly written e-mail that pretends to be from a government agency or financial institution such as your bank, then this is likely to be a phishing e-mail. Or to verify your account details?

Or even to send your password to avoid account closure? Legitimate companies do not send e-mails asking about your personal information or your account credentials because they already have this information. For example, if you receive an e-mail with an executable attachment, then this should raise a red flag because legitimate organizations do not send executables via e-mail messages, even for their employees.

Instead, they upload such files to the cloud and send a link to the intended user to download it. Or to send files via social media services such as Facebook?

If not, then it is safer to not open such files before verifying them with the sender. As you already saw, ransomware can disguise itself in Microsoft Office macros, PDFs, compressed files such as ZIP and 7z, and some types of image files.

Such file types are common in the business world, and you should be cautious when receiving such file types via e-mail attachments. If you suspect the signature contains false information, make sure to visit the company web site to verify the information. You should also avoid clicking social media links included in the e-mail signature unless you trust the sender. Even though you know a sender is legitimate, the sender may not have the necessary security tools in place to protect their end e.

If you receive an e-mail from your bank regarding updating your account information, make sure to access your bank account portal by typing the address directly in the browser address bar, and avoid clicking the provided link within the received e-mail.

If you are in a situation where you need to use such free Internet access, make sure to use a reliable VPN service first. Delete them permanently. Reputable web sites do not use such a method to interact with their visitors. Attackers can use such information to customize their phishing attacks spear and whaling phishing.

Different tools exist to perform these attacks; you can find many of them at www. End-user cybersecurity awareness training is considered the best countermeasure against such attacks.

Therefore, it is essential for any organization utilizing IT technology to have security awareness training in place that incorporates the essential guidelines to prevent and counter cyber incidents.

In computer security, there is no percent foolproof solution. If you follow all the preventive measures in this part of the book and you fall victim to a ransomware attack, then the next part of this book will tell you how to respond and recover from such an incident. Regardless of all mitigation measures or prevention strategies already described in this book, no organization or individual can be percent immune to ransomware infection.

This makes having a solid backup and recovery plan important to counter successful ransomware attacks. So, the most important question is, what should you do if you do not have the appropriate backup to restore operations after a ransomware infection? What you can do in such a situation? The first option, removing the ransomware infection using special decryption tools, will be the subject of the next chapter; however, this option depends on the existence of a decryption utility for the specific ransomware.

The second option is to do nothing; in this scenario, you lose all your infected data and start from zero. The third option, which is paying the ransom, is the subject of this chapter. In this chapter, I show how to evaluate whether to pay a ransom. This is a tough question because it largely depends on each case.

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