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Windows server version 1709
Тогда за дело, – сказал Стратмор, положил ей на плечо руку и повел в темноте в направлении Третьего узла. Над их головами куполом раскинулось усыпанное звездами небо. Такие же звезды, наверное, видит сейчас Дэвид в небе над Севильей, подумала .
FAQ on Windows Server, version and Semi-Annual Channel – Microsoft Windows Server Blog – Related websites
Product Info & Requirements Windows Server version installation media for Microsoft EES. License cost covered through annual FTE payment by. Based on your IP, we detect you are physically located in United States of America, however the website you are viewing is the Egypt site, We may forward. [!IMPORTANT] Windows Server, version is out of support as of April 9, New cadence of releases. Starting with this release, you have two options.
Microsoft Windows Server version : Security vulnerabilities
Microsoft Windows Server Team. What a great day! Back in June, we announced Windows Server was joining the Semi-Annual Channel release cadence to deliver innovation at a faster pace. Two weeks ago at Ignite, we announced Windows Server, version , the first release in this new model, and today you can start using it! This will allow us to list other Semi-Annual Channel releases in the future.
Azure customers can also deploy Windows Server, version based on the image in the Azure Marketplace. If you run virtual machines in a hosted environment, you can also check the images that your service provider made available. Windows Server, version is only the first step in this new world of faster release cadences. The most important aspect of having new releases twice a year is customer feedback will shape the product.
You can try the preview builds of Windows Server in the Semi-Annual Channel and provide feedback by joining the Windows Insiders program.
You can also join the conversation in the Microsoft Tech Community where we have tons of professionals and experts sharing their learnings and answering questions. To stay up-to-date with all the news around Windows Server, follow our Twitter and Facebook accounts! Customers like you, with businesses of all sizes, have trusted Windows Server as the platform Read more. Ever since its release in , Windows Admin Center has become the solution for managing Read more.
Microsoft Windows Server Blog. Windows Server – Version , Announcements. Update: The Windows Server, version image is now available in Azure. Older post Newer post. Follow Microsoft.